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My Story

As a child, nothing in my house was thrown out without me taking it apart first. From toasters to televisions, I would get out my screwdriver and meticulously disassemble each and every object, trying to figure out how they worked.


As I got older, I became more interested in the parts themselves and the machines that made them. My father took me to the automotive assembly plant where he worked, and I was amazed at all the industrial robot arms moving around. Being able to see a car go from pieces of metal and screws to an entire vehicle, I wanted to be a part of that process. 


Today, that's exactly what I’m doing. I have spent almost all my life learning about the processes that take raw materials and turn them into the products we use in our day-to-day lives, I graduated at the top of my class in Industrial Design from Seneca College, and have completed my Solidworks certification in mechanical design. My work is dedicated to re-creating that same feeling I got when I was little from the world of industrial design.

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